
Please familiarize yourself with the following safety information. If you have questions, talk to your supervisor, the 应急准备办公室 & 安全、设施 & 维修办公室或人力资源办公室.


Notify your supervisor or 人力资源 (extensions 79700, 74096, (74154或18512), 即使你不希望接受治疗. You will be referred to the Disability Administration Office where you will complete forms and be referred for medical treatment, 如果有必要的话. The injured employee and his/her supervisor must complete report forms whenever an injury occurs. 如果你目睹了 严重危及生命的伤害或疾病,拨打校园安全电话 909.607.2000.


Harvey Mudd College requests that you report to your supervisor any unsafe condition you may observe. 主管应联系以下人员之一:

应急准备办公室 & 安全

设施或维修危险 909.621.8226
工作场所的危害   909.607.2760 / 909.621.8226


环境危害  909.621.8226 / 909.621.8538

如果上述任何一个都没有回应, 在一段合理的时间之后, or if the condition is encountered after regular business hours, 在周末或假日, 请与校园安全太阳2注册平台联系 909.607.2000.

Report non-urgent situations in writing, including suggested remedies, if any, to:

HMC应急准备办公室 & HMC设施的安全主管 & 维护办公室

如果发生紧急情况,请联系校园安全中心 909.607.2000


Prior to a situation, identify the location of all exits near your 工作 area. 地震或其他紧急情况发生后, if conditions are unsafe to remain indoors or in your 工作 area, exit the building and report to the evacuation site nearest your location. DO NOT leave campus before checking in at the evacuation site or with your supervisor. Roll-call lists will assist emergency response team efforts. Some emergency supplies will be available at the site but we encourage everyone to keep basic supplies (blanket, 舒适的鞋子, 手电筒, 特殊的药物, 等.)在你的办公室或车里.


Locate fire extinguishers near your 工作 area and classrooms.  如果你不知道如何操作灭火器, plan to attend the next safety training session on use of fire extinguishers.


The personal safety and health of each employee of Harvey Mudd College are of primary importance. Harvey Mudd College is committed to establishing and maintaining a safety and health program conforming to regulatory standards and best practices for occupational safety to benefit those who live, 工作, 在校园里学习. 太阳2平台(HMC) 伤害和疾病预防计划(IIPP) (PDF) serves as the principal safety program for all 工作place safety programs for Harvey Mudd College.

Importance of Cleaning up Spills and Removing Hazardous Materials or Blood

It is important to clean up spills and remove hazards from your 工作 area. If spills are large or contain hazardous materials or blood, call the Facilities & 维修办公室,由训练有素的人员搬离. DO ATTEMPT TO CLEAN UP ON YOUR OWN UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN PROPERLY TRAINED! If your position requires first aid response or facilities cleaning, you should request special training through the 应急准备和安全办公室 at 909.607.2760.

Hazard Communication Program, Including 安全 Data Sheets (SDS)

SDSs for chemicals on hand are available to each laboratory and stockroom with MSDS Online. The chemical inventory for the college is also kept on this system. Laboratories rely on the chemical manufacturers’ information to ascertain the hazards of a particular chemical. 可以查看sds和化学位置 在线. 你有权查看任何医疗记录, monitoring records and SDS sheets that pertain to your job. Access to these records or to receive a copy of the General Industry 安全 Order 3204, 这就解释了这些权利, 你可以联系Penny Manisco, HMC化学卫生主任 909.607.4217  或者90岁的CUC环境健康与安全官员9.621.8538.


HMC employees are responsible for keeping themselves informed of 工作place hazards, 参加培训, 遵守所有适用的安全政策和程序, and promptly reporting hazards and accidents to their supervisor.  Employees should contact their Supervisor for information regarding the safety health hazards they may be exposed to in their role at HMC. Supervisors are responsible for determining the and providing the appropriate 工作place safety training for employees.

教师, 顾问,  and senior researchers are ultimately responsible for the design and supervision of laboratory, 研究和课堂练习.

For more information regarding 工作place safety responsibilities please review the Harvey Mudd College Injury and Illness Prevention Program .


在办公室环境中, employees should pay particular attention to the ergonomic set-up of desks, 电脑和其他日常使用的设备.  如果你花很长时间使用电脑, 其他办公设备, or perform any type of repetitive motion during the course of your 工作, be sure to change your position at least once every half hour to avoid eye strain, 背部和颈部劳损, 还有重复性损伤,比如腕管. 调用 应急准备和安全办公室 909.607.2760 或者CUC环境健康与安全办公室 909.621.8538 if you need assistance in determining the correct ergonomic settings for your equipment.


放置一个 工作订单 with Facilities and 维护办公室 to arrange assistance with moving awkward or heavy objects. 如果你选择自己移动物品, remember to always use proper lifting techniques which may include, using leg muscles rather than back muscles and inspect items to be moved for protruding nails, 裂成小片, 锐利的边缘, 等.,处理前.


The HMC Injury Illness and Prevention Program requires adherence to safe 工作 practices. Employees who do not follow safe 工作 practices may receive disciplinary action up to and including termination from

有关安全事宜的问题可直接向 应急准备和安全办公室, 909.607.2760.