罗伯特J. 洞穴教学

Molecular structure chart done in various colors


One of the joys of teaching at HMC has been the range of courses I get to teach. Below is a list of some of those courses:

  • General 化学, Lab and Lecture
  • 热力学 and Kinetics (Lecture)
  • 群理论, Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy (lecture)
  • Physical 化学 Laboratory
  • Science and Religion

Advanced Topics 课程 in:

  • 热力学
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • 群理论
  • Electronic Structure Theory
  • Electron Transfer Processes
Diagram of three highlighted water molecules shown in color with two grey atoms on either side of the figure
The three highlighted water molecules are those primarily responsible for mediating the electronic tunneling between the grey atoms on either side of the figure.